The term “Dry Cleaning” is quite confusing. Dry cleaning does not mean that the fabric would not get wet. It actually uses liquid. The garments is wet during Dry Cleaning, just not with water. That’s why we call this Dry Cleaning, which is quite stupid.

Like a lot of other inventions, an accident end up with the invention of Dry Cleaning. In the 1800s, a French man spilled Kerosene over some dirty laundry. His mistake produced an unexpected result. The Kerosene removed the stains on the fabric. Please with the result, he then started a Kerosene cleaning service in Paris, and the rest is history.


In modern days, another substance called Perchloroethylene, or “Perc” is used. It is safer than Kerosene, but it is still highly toxic, carcinogenic and flammable, and only Professional dry cleaners can handle properly. Perc has several advantages. It is less abrasive on your garments, and the dress experience much less wear and tear. Perc cleans dirt for most fabric, suitable for oil-soluble stains and soil stains. It does not lead to shrinkage and it can be reused. Perc is highly toxic which required special attention. After cleaning, the Perc would be captured and reused in the future. They must be handled carefully, as anything released can be harmful to atmosphere.

In addition to Perc, liquid silicone and liquid CO2 are also commonly used. However, these are not commonly used as they are much more expensive than Perc. Liquid silicone for stance, is more than double the price of Perc. Liquid CO2 on the other hand, contributes to global warming as it releases 6-10 Pounds of CO2 after every cleaning cycle. CO2 machineries are also extremely expensive.

Dry cleaning machines looks a lot like a combination washer-dryer that you see every day, but the size is a lot much bigger and it is a finely tuned instrument. Dry cleaners will clean your dress using the solvent, heated to a perfect 30 Degrees Celsius (or 86 Degree Fahrenheit). Any temperature higher than 30 Degrees can destroy the gown, while anything temperature lower than might not have the cleaning ability. During the wash cycle, dresses are agitated by rotation.

Dry Cleaning Wedding Dress


Dry Cleaning (Oil Soluble Dirt)
Wet Cleaning (Water Soluble Dirt)
Spot Cleaning ( Very Stubborn Stains)


In comparison, Wet Cleaning much more familiar by everyone. While non-toxic chemicals are being used, it is more environmental-friendly than Dry Cleaning. Water and mild detergents will be used, which are gently to your bridal wear and fine garments. It is a great solution towards water-soluble stains.

With the smart usage of water and biodegradable cleaning agents, our Wet Cleaning technology can bring back the freshness and cleanliness to the most delicate garments. It is safe for very sensitive textiles without the risk of shrinking, felting or color loss. It is also kind to people with sensitive skin as there are no impurities left behind.

This is a gentle but effective way of cleaning, giving you a refreshing result. We pay special attention to sensitive fabric such as silk and viscose. We also consider the dress colour, design, layers, beadings, structure, shape, enlistment, accessories etc. Depends on your dress, we would apply either Dry Cleaning or Wet Cleaning; or both. Under careful management, problems such as shrinkage, chemical burn marks, melting of beadings or dress deformation can be avoided.


The Finishing include Drying, Ironing and Pressing. During the drying process, the textiles are placed on ideally shaped hangers and dried in the Drying Room. Moisturizing control and thermostatic control adjust the room environment, tuned to the optimal humidity and temperature for drying delicate fabrics.

Dry Cleaning & Wet Cleaning Wedding Dress


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